Chris Faraldi has a strong, conservative track record while on City Council. He is a leader for productive solutions to complicated issues, while keeping you, your wallet, and your family front of mind!
On City Council
Photo: News & Advance
​Chris Faraldi has opposed every tax increase since being elected while fighting to fiscal responsibility at every turn Everything from Real Estate, Water & Sewer Fee hikes, and Taxi Cab rates. While Chris has been a proponent for many infastructure projects, he is the only member of council to have voted against every Capital Improvement Plan over the last four years, citing the dramatic increases in debt-financing and reliance on one-time expenditures & surplus funds. Nevertheless, he has been a staunch advocate for making key investments in projects around the city, especially in Ward IV. Chris Faraldi is also successful in delivering Tax Relief throughout his first term. He successfully secured millions in Real Estate tax relief in 2022 and 2023, along with various reductions to your Personal Property Tax burden, Utility Bill, and business taxes.
Chris Faraldi has been a fierce advocate for our public safety personnel time and time again during his first term. Since 2020, Chris has brought a new Medic Unit to 24502 as well as plans for a new Fire Station in the Wards Road corridor, led the way for a new Headquarters for our Police Department, implemented pay scale programs for Police Officers and Firefighters, increased compensation for 9-1-1 Dispatchers, and secured the highest starting salary for law enforcement in Central Virginia. Chris also successfully delivered $4,100,000 to address mental health issues in Lynchburg with Horizon Behavioral Health. Doing so will help put more officers back on the streets and get constituents the care needed in a mental health crisis.
​Chris Faraldi has supported our public school system while fighting to expand educational opportunies in the city. He has a proven record of supporting bonus and increases to Teacher compensation and striving to hold the School Board Appointees accountable for their actions. Chris also was a lead voice for funding the school division by major category to ensure financial oversight of Lynchburg City Schools. Along with this, in 2023, he supported the single largest investment into Lynchburg Classrooms while paving the way for a new conservative majority on the Lynchburg School Board. Chris was also instramental in calling for Lynchburg to be put on the map for Governor Youngkin's new Lab School program. The Vice Mayor, knowing the Facilities Study was coming soon, toured nearly every public school in Lynchburg to ensure he was educated on the needs for every building. This also provided him with the abilit to speak out and defend Sandusky Elementary School when it was proposed to be closed. Over the last four years, Chris Faraldi has been the clear leader and champion on City Council for parental rights in Lynchburg. He joined many parents in demanding schools be fully repoened during the pandemic. Chris was the lone voice to fight for an open & transparent School Board Appointment Process, as well as being the first Councilmember to call for the Lynchburg City School Board to be an elected office.
Chris Faraldi has been a leader amongst his peers, constantly pushing City Hall to seek policies to expand our local economy and foster a pro-business environment. In a previous majority on Council, thousands of jobs were leaving the city and businesses were shutting down. With the Republican majority in the last year, Chris Faraldi helped the city partner with Governor Youngkin and see massive expansions for key Lynchburg industries, notably for Centra Health, Delta Star, and Framatome to name a few. In total, these expansions equate to approximately $750 million of investment and close to 1,000 jobs. As a business owner, Chris also knows small business is the backbone of any economy. He has been a fighter for entrepreneurs throughout the city by slashing their taxes and local regulations, and supporting smart development(s) in every zip code.
In these last four years, Chris Faraldi has defended our conservative values that define Lynchburg… values like limited government, fiscal responsibility, unwavering support for our Constitution, and holding city hall accountable. Chris has been a leader amongst his peers for individual liberty and protecting against unconstitutional actions by our local government. He voted to remove the local concealed carry fee and ensure Lynchburg is a sanctuary for the 2nd Amendment thus ensuring the commitment from the city to reject any limitations on your God-given right to keep and bear arms. Chris also voted to remove the local fee for obtaining a concealed carry permit. Chris has also long opposed mandates on children, including curfews and for masks. He stands with parents and their ability to raise their children without the undo influence of government. Chris has also advocated for Life. When the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center was attacked for their Pro-Life work in Lynchburg, he wrote a Resolution to condemn the assaults and demonstrate Lynchburg’s resolve against them. He advocates for common-sensed actions of City Hall that call out evil for what it is. These are just samples of the work Chris has done to represent our values in City Hall, but they speak to a firm commitment to ensure our ideals are voiced and represented in Lynchburg.
In these last four years, Chris Faraldi has had a solutions-driven voice for our Ward. Throughout his first term on Council, he has protected neighborhoods while supporting smart development in Lynchburg. Of note, in light of failing septic systems, Chris brought $16 million of infrastructure funding to Richland Hills for future sewer connections and brokered additional cost savings with reduced connection fees. At the same time, he facilitated a change to zoning laws in the city to further protect encroachment on established neighborhoods. The Vice Mayor also was a chief proponent for additional traffic mitigation measures on Enterprise Drive, all to ensure the safety of the Wyndhurst community while emphasizing the importance of the corridor for businesses and commuters. Chris also was an outspoken leader for our district when the notion of school closures was laser focused on Ward IV and the Sandusky community. He was the only member of council to publicly state his opposition to this plan and attend the Town Hall at Sandusky Elementary School (which he hosted).